DJ Stewart Jewelry
DJ Stewart Jewelry
Since 1968, experience in all forms of jewelry design and the creative construction of the work itself has given a degree of integrity to Danny’s work not found in many jewelry artists’ pieces. With a background in diamond design, construction, casting and the lapidary arts he is able to bring an unusual scope and dimension to a very well explored media.
Using his knowledge in casting as well as an unrivaled skill with the jewelers torch, his settings display great strength as well as graceful artistry. Each piece of jewelry created by Danny Stewart is expected, with proper care, to withstand many years of everyday wear.
Danny Stewart
Inspired by designs thousands of years old and executed only by the hand of the artist himself, the work of Danny Stewart is like none other.
The Mediterranean allure of his style has lasted... because of the lushness of color and the discipline of
the symmetry found in his both exquisite and graceful designs.
The Finest in Southwest Deco Fine Art Jewelry